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On the whole continent, these wounds are bottomless abyss cracks. Died from the attack of the Chaos Demon God? After killing the Chaos Demon God, you can't hold on yourself! Li Yu nodded, the figure turned into a streamer, silently into the earth. The next moment, Li Yu appeared in a purple space. This is Pan Xi's Purple Mansion Knowing the Sea! The billowing purple air is vast and boundless, like a vast ocean. In this vast ocean, a brilliant, brilliant and beautiful flower is suspended in the purple ocean. This huge flower is crystal clear, as if it were carved from the purest suet white jade. In the brilliant brilliance, endless symbols flow endlessly. This is the flower of Pan Xi's road. Li Yu looked at the "flower of the road", saw the purple symbol flowing in the stamens, and nodded with a smile. Keeping a diary is a good habit! Compared with Pangu's rough man, you are a more lovely young artist. The amulet circulating in the stamens is called the Chaotic Way, also known as the Great Way amulet. Originally, Li Yu didn't know a word. But he robbed Pangu. Pan Gu is a rough man, but he is not blind. He could at least read that word "creator of the world." Photograph! As soon as he reached out his hand, the flowing amulet in the stamen flew out in an instant and fell into Li Yu's hands. Then peep at the girl's diary! Grab this group of amulets, reach out a pat, directly into the eyebrows, into the sea of soul knowledge. Distracted billions of people, constantly interpreting all the information left by Pan Xi. An artistic girl is much better than a rough man! After a while, Li Yu took a long breath and smiled. From this group of amulets, he harvested countless information. Everything Pan Xi has experienced,Nero Marquina Marble Slab, including when she was born, where she was born, what she experienced, how she practiced and grew up, when she opened up the world, and even all the rules of the world, are not missing in these purple symbols. Not only let me gain more of the world's road rules, but also let me understand the life experience of a founder of the world. This is a great harvest! Compared to Pangu that rough man, Li Yu can understand is a "black lacquer black",grey marble slab, this Pan Xi, really worthy of the art girl. Everything is written in detail. According to these records, all can be recovered. "Eh?"? Pan Xi left these for resurrection, didn't he? Li Yu laughed, "Well, art girl, since the poor way has your benefits, then return you a cause and effect!" The flower of Pan Xi's road has not been broken, and the body is ready-made, so the difficulty of operation is very low. Resurrecting an existence equivalent to Pangu is also a novel experience! Li Yu is very interested in this. Chapter 877 big harvest and note solitary life. One second to remember the www.bookben.net, wonderful novel free reading without pop-up window! Chapter error, click here to report In the records of Pan Xi.. Mobile phone saves the most traffic ? Ad-free sites.? Li Yu also expressed his understanding of this. After all, everything in the chaos, Pan Xi has not yet been born, natural understanding is not deep. When she was born, she also studied chaos, Pietra Gray Marble ,Marble Granite Price, and in the process of her own cultivation and growth, she also felt chaos. Compared with Pangu's "black lacquer", it is really many times stronger. This information is very valuable to Li Yu. After all, it is an existence born in chaos, and the first-hand information of personal experience and feelings is of great research value. What's more, there is Pan Xi's life experience, which makes Li Yu fully grasp all the mysteries of the creation of the world. With this experience as a reference, even if Li Yu is allowed to open up a world now, he will certainly not do it. This is too dangerous! At the risk of falling, to open up a side of the world, I am full? "Now that you have benefited, you are not a stingy person.". Then I'll give you a hand! Li Yu smiled, stretched out a hand, took the "flower of the road" up, into the resource bank, the figure flashed, instantly out of the purple house of Panxi. As for whether boss Li is stingy or not, let's not discuss it! The figure reappeared in the outside world and appeared on Pan Xi's forehead. Girl, now that you have created the world, this world has evolved into mountains, rivers and all kinds of creatures. If you are completely resurrected, then everything in this world will be annihilated and the end of the world will come. Don't do this kind of thing. Li Yu smiled and reached out to point to the earth, that is, to Pan Xi's forehead. I will help you complete the complete evolution of this world! From Pan Xi's "diary", Li Yu has completely harvested the rules of the world, and clearly grasped Pan Xi's ideas and ideas of creating the world. Now Li Yu has all the abilities of Pan Xi. Opened GM permissions, but also with a map editor, and do not have to consume my own power, this addiction to God of creation, I still have to pass. After playing in "Wizard World", Li Yu has not played this kind of game for a long time. As soon as I pointed out, endless brilliance swept up, like a wave, sweeping the whole world in an instant. Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, the universe is in flood and famine, the sun and the moon are full and narrow, the sun and the moon are in rows, winter comes and summer goes, autumn harvest and winter storage. The vast glory swept across the world, and with Li Yu's announcement, the law of heaven and earth was re-established. The sun and the moon rise in the east and fall in the west, and the stars shine and flow, forming a galaxy all over the sky. Seasonal changes appeared, wind, rain, thunder and lightning appeared, and the whole world entered the evolution. This evolution is still too slow and must be accelerated. If according to the normal evolution, every tens of millions of years, or even billions of years, this side of heaven and earth will not evolve completely, Li Yu can not spend so much time here, naturally to accelerate. More importantly, it's not painful to spend other people's money anyway. Boom! The whole earth a huge earthquake,Silver Travertine Slabs, Pan Xi's body released endless brilliance, majestic heaven and earth vitality crazy churning surge, rapid consumption. forustone.com

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